12 Days of Christmas in July

What is “The Spirit of Christmas”?

It probably means lots of different things to lots of different people,
but here are some quotes that we really like:

We agree and think that the spirit of Christmas is about thinking of others and what you can do to help make someone’s day better.  There’s at least a million awesome things that you can do, but here’s a handful of them: 

Deliver food to a food closet. 

Make a card for a resident at a senior care home.

Cross off some wish list items for an animal shelter.

Leave a nice note, card or craft somewhere, like a park bench or inside a library book, for a stranger to find.

Donate some school supplies to a school supply drive.

Make something or draw a picture for a neighbor.

Do a chore for a friend, family or neighbor.

Support an artist by sharing their music with someone who might like it.

Make a card or a craft for local hero.

Make a card for a soldier overseas.

Donate seed packets for a community garden.

Make a card or craft for a children’s hospital or receiving home.

We’d love to hear about any spirit of Christmas things that you’re doing
– tag us on Facebook and Instagram so that we can see what you’re up to!

Download your 12 Days of Christmas in July planner here.

It’s blank so that you can fill it in with all the awesome stuff you want to do!

Click the image above to see a larger version!

Can you find all of the hidden objects?